World Tokens and Medals

PCGS Certifies Chinese Medals

In order for PCGS to grade and encapsulate a modern Chinese medal, it must have been produced at one of the four official Mints of China (Nanjing, Shanghai, Shenyang, and Shenzhen Guabao).PCGS maintains a large record of official Chinese medals but we cannot guarantee attribution for all medals sent to us.

PCGS requires that all Chinese medals and tokens submitted be accompanied by a COA (Certificate of Authenticity). The COA needs to be issued by “The People’s Bank of China” and include the following information: date struck or issued, diameter and metal content, Mint of origin, official mintage or Proof or MS designation. Your medal could be returned to you un-graded and designated as 96 (No Service) if you fail to include this information with your submission.

Examples of Chinese medals that are eligible for PCGS grading: