(1923) $1 LM-959 K-678 MS(PCGS#116576)

(1923) $1 LM-959 K-678 MS (PCGS#116576)

September 2021 Hong Kong Coins Auction

Stack's Bowers
Flashy Tsao Kun Dollar in Military Uniform CHINA. Dollar, ND (1923). Tientsin Mint. PCGS MS-63. L&M-959; K-678 = KM; WS-0105. Tsao Kun in military attire/Proclamation of the Constitution commemorative. A beautifully struck and nicely preserved example of this SCARCEand highly sought after type, this bright and flashy piece boasts flashy surfaces with frosty intricate devices. A thin layer of patina adds a bit of character to this sought after issue sure to be a welcome addition to the next collection it enters. Tsao Kun's short presidency began in October 1923, after he openly bribed the National Assembly members with $5,000 in silver dollars to gain the office. This blatant act of corruption resulted in rival factions turning against him, with Tsao Kun eventually being ousted in a coup led by General Feng Yuxiang in October 1924. Estimate: $40,000 - $60,000. Provenance: From the Hobart Collection. Click here for certification details from PCGS. Image with the PCGS TrueView logo is obtained from and is subject to a license agreement with Collectors Universe, Inc. and its divisions PCGS and PSA. Click here to see Coins in Motion.[“Coins] 美輪美奐武曹 民國十二年曹錕像壹圓紀念銀章。天津造幣廠。 武曹。鑄打精美,保存得當,珍罕且受歡迎的版別。幣面光亮燿人,霜面圖文引人入勝,淺薄包漿美輪美奐,定能豐富藏匣。 曹錕於1923年擔任大總統,任期較短,而此章即是在1923年鑄成。他公然以5,000銀元賄賂國會成員而登上大總統之位, 其腐敗橫行的政府招致了許多反對,最終在1924年10 月,曹錕政府被軍閥馮玉祥發起的政變推翻。