(1923) $1 LM-959 K-678 MS(PCGS#116576)

(1923) $1 LM-959 K-678 MS (PCGS#116576)

April 2021 Hong Kong World Coins Auction

Stack's Bowers
로트 번호
로트 설명
(t) CHINA. Dollar, ND (1923). PCGS MS-61 Gold Shield. L&M-959; K-678; Hsu-24; WS-0105. A pleasing example of this SCARCEand very popular type, with a bold strike that bring out every detail in Tsao Kun's face and uniform. The fields are flashy and blessed with a light almond toning that strengthens at the peripheries, and mutes the obverse hairlines. Featuring the facing bust of President Tsao Kun in military uniform, this charming type was struck during his relatively short presidency which began in October 1923. After Tsao Kun openly bribed the National Assembly members with $5,000 in silver dollars to gain the presidency, the overt corruption resulted in rival factions turning against him, with Tsao Kun eventually being ousted in a coup led by General Feng Yuxiang in October 1924. Estimate: $10,000 - $15,000. Click here for certification details from PCGS. 民國十二年曹錕像紀念銀章。 罕見且備受歡迎的鑄幣,鑄打有力,肖像活靈活現。底版光澤俱佳,淺杏色包漿於環形,正面有些髮絲痕。 此幣正面為曹錕大總統戎裝像。曹錕於1923年10月就任,但任期極短,此幣便鑄於他在任期間。曹錕以5,000銀圓賄賂國會,得到大總統一職,其治下政府腐敗橫生,引發起義不斷。1924年10月,曹錕政府被馮玉祥將軍領導的政變推翻。
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